Where Does Marijuana Grow Wild? Feral Cannabis & Marijuana Legalization

4 min readDec 4, 2019


Marijuana or cannabis is a plant that grows naturally in many parts of the world. In this blog, we have posted information about the three main types of marijuana: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. Marijuana legalization and regulation has been a controversial topic for decades. Many people have supported its legalization, while many health institutions have demonized marijuana.

However, as all plants, marijuana, or cannabis also grows naturally in many parts of the world. There is a term to describe wild-growing cannabis that generally descends from industrial hemp plants that were previously cultivated for fiber: feral cannabis.

Marijuana Growing Naturally

Marijuana grows wild in many parts of the world and commonly found growing naturally in Asia. In America, most of the wild marijuana is feral marijuana from the hemp industry that was once important in the production of fibers and coarse fabric. However, this feral marijuana contains very low THC content.

Cannabis is such a versatile plant that can easily grow in many parts of the world. Most sources agree that marijuana comes from Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

Marijuana has been cultivated in Asia since pre-Neolithic times. There are shreds of evidence that it was grown in Japan as early as 8000 BC.

We know that cannabis was used in ancient China to make ropes, fibers, clothes, and even paper.

Marijuana can be found growing naturally in many parts of Asia. For example, it’s common to spot marijuana plants in areas of the Himalayas. In this video, a YouTuber comes across marijuana plants growing naturally in Nepal:

It can be found growing naturally in many parts of Northern Pakistan. However, marijuana plants that grow naturally have very low THC content and have little psychedelic effects.

In Afghanistan, cannabis can be found growing in many parts of the country. The political situation of Afghanistan and the lucrative cannabis business have made the cannabis industry flourish in the country. Advocacies of marijuana legalization claim that illegalization is a very profitable business for many criminal organizations. In other words, cannabis is an additional source of revenue for insurgents and terrorist groups in Afghanistan.

Marijuana in Europe

According to recent studies, marijuana was widely available in Europe during the copper and bronze age. It seems, however, that the Europeans of the copper and bronze age didn’t know about the psychoactive effects of marijuana.

Feral Cannabis

Marijuana is not native to the Americas, but it can be seen planted or growing naturally in many locations in the Americas. In the US, most of the marijuana that grows naturally is feral cannabis. Feral cannabis comes from the time when industrial hemp was a dominant industry in the US. The hemp industry was widely promoted during WWII. During the Second World War, the American government lifted the ban on hemp and encouraged it to grow hemp fiber for ropes and many other uses. Feral marijuana derives from the industrial hemp used during these years.

Hemp produces a coarse fabric, rough but durable. It was employed mainly for ropes, but recently, Levi’s has released a pair of jeans made both with cotton and hemp. Moreover, hemp, although a rough fiber, doesn’t require as much water as cotton.

Feral cannabis is widely available in many US states. In this video, a guy comes across roadside feral marijuana:

Global Spread of Cannabis

Marijuana can easily adapt to many different climates. It grows in temperate, hot, dry, and continental regions. Marijuana spread throughout the planet by the action of man. The use of marijuana was adopted by the Arabs through contact with the Persians. Later, the Arabs introduced cannabis in the West.

Later on, the Spaniards introduced hemp in the Americas in the 16th century. By the 17th century, hemp was spotted in many locations across North America.

Marijuana Legalization

The legalization of marijuana is also contributing to its global spread. Hemp is already legal in the US and marijuana is legal in countries such as Uruguay and Canada. South Africa has also legalized possession of marijuana for medical and recreational uses. Apparently, Georgia, the country in the Caucasus region, has also legalized the recreational use of marijuana.

Nonetheless, most of countries have illegalized marijuana both for medical and recreational uses. We hope, however, that more countries will change their view on marijuana, especially for medical use.

Wild Marijuana and Status: Conclusion

In many parts of the world, cannabis grows wild and in Asia, it is commonly found to grow naturally. Most wild cannabis in America is feral marijuana from the hemp industry that once played an important role in fiber and coarse cloth manufacturing. This feral marijuana, however, contains very low levels of THC.

The legalization of marijuana has contributed to its spread. Hemp is already legal in the U.S. and, in countries like Uruguay and Canada, marijuana is also legal. South Africa has also legalized the possession of medical and recreational marijuana. Apparently, Georgia, the Caucasus country, has also legalized marijuana use for recreational purposes.

Originally published at https://www.getispire.com on December 4, 2019.




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